Friday, April 30, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman/Bryan Stoller Part 7

The interview with Oxman and Stoller starts at 3:45. Here is the link:

3:50 Does Bryan Stoller look a little twitchy to you? Watch him while Brian Oxman talks. He keeps rubbing his hand and shaking his head “no”.

4:45 Stoller says he saw Michael about a month ago and he was very weak. He talks about being about to feel Michael’s bones. Three months previously, though, when Michael made his This Is It announcement, Dermot O’Leary described him as muscular and buff. That is a big difference from Stoller’s description.

5:30 Oxman talks about Michael’s drug use. At 6:10 he says that all of the family members have talked about it. “I’ve talked about it with Randy. I’ve talked with Latoya, with Jermaine, with Mrs. Jackson.” Jermaine said in Part 1 that he knew nothing about drug use. How can Oxman have warned Jermaine, but Jermaine has never heard anything about drugs? Someone is lying.

It’s a very short interview, but there are major differences in the demeanor of Brian Oxman and Bryan Stoller. Oxman seems stiff and unemotional. He answers most of the questions before Stoller has a chance to get a word in. Stoller, though, is very fidgety. Unlike Oxman, he is always twitching his leg or moving his fingers: classic signs of agitation.


Friday, April 23, 2010

How to spot a lie—Jermaine Jackson Part 2

Here is part 2 of Jermaine’s interview with Matt Lauer:

0:50 He talks about the Jackson 5. By talking while moving his hands, he shows that he is confident in what he is saying.

1:20 He says there were plans of Jackson 5 concerts after Michael’s shows in London.

1:50-3:10 He says that Michael was ready physically for the London shows. He mentions seeing Michael and the children at their parents’ house not too long ago and how excited Michael was for the shows in London.

5:00 “A lot of people that really said the most awful things about him, they realize now how much they love him.”


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How to spot a lie—Jermaine Jackson Part 1

This is Jermaine’s interview at Neverland Ranch with Matt Lauer. It is the first interview with a family member after Michael Jackson’s death. Check out part 1:

0:25 Check out his eyes. They flicker to the right while he talks.

0:30 “It’s very tough”, he says while shaking his head “no”.

0:45 “We lost our brother,” he says while shaking his head “no”. He continues with, “Our…Our…”, then glances to the right searching for something to say. Then he goes on to say that “it is unreal; it is unbelievable” while looking right and shaking his head “no”.

1:05 Matt Lauer says that Katherine Jackson told Jermaine that Michael was dead. He keeps glancing to the right. When he says he rushed to the hospital, he shakes his head “no”.

1:40 He says he went straight to his mother. In the previous interviews with Brian Oxman, Oxman says that when Jermaine arrived a little after Randy they hugged and cried, before Jermaine walked into the room where his family was.

1:55-2:40 He keeps glancing to the right.

3:25 He says “He [Allah] is taking him back,” and shakes his head “no”.

4:40 He says Michael was against abusing medication, and says that he would be hurt if he was. He continues by saying that he doesn’t know for sure if Michael was or was not. According to Oxman, though, he says the family knew about it and he warned them about this happening. Jermaine doesn’t act like he knows anything about this.


Monday, April 19, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 6

The next day, Brian Oxman gave a similar interview to the one previously. This one was on the Today Show on NBC with Meredith Vieira. Here is the link:

0:15 “I got a call from Randy Jackson’s assistant. She told me that he was being taken to the hospital.” Notice that he says to this time and not from.

0:23 “I called Randy. I said, ‘Randy what is happening.’ He says, ‘Brian, I don’t know. I’m on the way to the hospital.’ I said, ‘I’ll see you there.’ He said, ‘This is serious.’” Basically, this is what he said before, but this time it makes sense and is in chronological order.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 5

Later on June 25, Brian Oxman gave an interview with CBS. Check it out:

0:10 “I am heartbroken.” Then, he smiles.

0:20 “I got a call just a little before noon that Michael had been taken from the hospital by Randy’s assistant who gave me that call.” From the hospital? Before noon? The 911 call wasn’t made until 12:21.

0:30 “I then came over here and talked to Randy. I said, ‘Randy what’s happened.’ He says, ‘I don’t know, Brian. I’ll meet you at the Medical Center.’ We got here and when I saw him, we just hugged.” This is really weird. Read it word for word carefully. He starts out by saying he “came over here and talked to Randy”. At 0:05, here is said to be the UCLA Medical Center. According to him, he is talking to Randy at the Medical Center, and Randy says that he will meet Oxman at the Medical Center. OK, um…that’s interesting. Somebody messed up.

0:20-0:55 He gives this really heartbreaking speech about how he saw the brothers and they hugged and cried, and it make you feel really sad until he says “I am heartbroken” while smiling. Why in the world is he smiling?

1:10-2:45 He talks about drug use, again. He keeps saying that he doesn’t know what caused this and that we shouldn’t jump to conclusions. Isn’t that what he is doing, though? No one know if it is drug use or not yet, but he keeps bringing the topic up.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 4

Here is the second official interview that Brian Oxman gave on June 25th:

I barely saw anything of interest, but check it out, you might see more than me.

1:50 He talks about drug use and calls it “excessive”. This is just my observation, but he seems to bring this up in every interview that he gives.

3:15 Did he shake his head “no”? That’s interesting since he is talking about how well the police and district attorney is going to look at this case.

4:05 Oxman says, “I only know that I feared being here on this day talking to you and talking to others.” This is just kind of a weird statement. If you read it word for word, it sounds like he knew this would happen today and he feared having to give interviews. Maybe he worded it wrong? He could have instead meant that he feared something like this would happen and that he did not want to be there when it did.


Friday, April 16, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 3

This is part 1 of an interview that Brian Oxman gave to MSNBC:

1:30 He says he warned of the use of prescription medicines in the past (2 years ago), but says that he is not sure if medication caused this. According to him, we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

3:15 Oxman is asked to comment on the fact that it has been said that he doesn’t speak for Michael Jackson. He says that he is not speaking for anyone but himself.

4:10 He explains his previous statement on CNN about this being worse than Anna Nicole Smith’s case.

4:50 While he is talking a Sheriff’s helicopter is landing nearby. Is it the same one that takes Michael to the coroner’s office?

5:10 He says there was no warning of this happening. Michael had been eating well.

6:20 He says that medication was getting in the way of Michael rehearsing and getting in shape. Afterwards, he says that he does not know what caused this, that it could be a natural cause and that he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. If he does not want to jump to conclusions, then why keep talking about drugs and how he was afraid of this happening.


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 2

This is the CNN interview that I mentioned previously. He gave this almost immediately after he gave the impromptu interview. Here is the link:

0:30 “What kinds of detail are you hearing from doctors.” He says that he hasn’t spoken to the doctors, but he has spoken to the family members and they don’t know anything. Again, I ask myself the same question. It is about 2 hours after he was officially pronounced dead. How do they not know anything?

1:25 “Can you confirm to us that he is dead?” He responds by saying that no one has confirmed anything with him. All he knows is that the family is crying.

1:55 “Who was with him at the time?” He believes that Frank DiLeo was there, but he is not positive.

2:40-3:40 “Do you know what kind of physical condition he was in?” According to Oxman, he was in good physical condition. The only thing that bothered him was the discussion of Michael one day dying. Oxman says that today was not unexpected, because of the drugs he was taking and compared to Anna Nicole Smith’s case, this is much worse.

3:40 He says that Michael had trouble keeping up with the other dancers due to his injuries and use of medication.

4:45 “So Brian, you’re telling us that you were able to observe some of these rehearsals and you found him to be in a somewhat weakened condition?” He quickly replies, “No, no. He was in fine condition. We never saw him in any kind of weakened condition.” Didn’t he just say that injuries and medication were getting in the way? He can’t have it both ways. Either he believes that Michael was on drugs or he doesn’t.

So according to Oxman, Michael was in a very good physical condition, but also taking more drugs than Anna Nicole Smith. How is that possible?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to spot a lie—Brian Oxman Part 1

This is an impromptu interview given by Brian Oxman on June 25th:

Check out a few slip-ups that he made:

0:00 “Do the children know what happened?” Oxman responds “Not that I know of, not that I know of. They are with the nanny.” First of all, weren’t they at the house when all of this happened? Didn’t some reports say that Prince thought that his father was playing around or that Murray wanted Prince to come help him? Secondly, didn’t they follow the ambulance to the hospital? According to Latoya this is when she and Paris went in to see Michael’s body and Paris gave him the necklace.

0:30 “Do you know who called 911?” Oxman replies, “From what I was told, Frank DiLeo told 911, but that is unconfirmed. I don’t know.” Someone told him that it was Frank DiLeo? That’s weird.

1:50 “Do you think that this is an affect of Farrah Fawcett passing?” Oxman replies, “I can’t say that for sure. I know that he loved Farrah Fawcett. I do know that he is in difficult condition.” The person who posted the video says that it was taken about 4:30pm. Michael Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26pm. Maybe he didn’t know? Well, Jermaine did not make the announcement until 6:15pm, so it’s a slight possibility. Something else to think about: What was going on from 2:26pm until 6:15pm? Getting back to the facts, Michael was pronounced dead at 2:26pm, and at 4:30pm Brian Oxman did not know that he had passed. That is still strange to me. If you were as hugging family members as Oxman claimed to be doing in other interviews, you would think that he would have been there when a doctor broke the news to the family. If he was not, you would think that a member of the family would have told him or he could have guessed from everyone’s mood. I don’t know, but I just think that that is really weird.

If you are like me, you need to know for a fact that this interview was at 4:30pm on June 25th and not before. The easiest part is proving that it was June 25th. If you noticed, one of the interviewers mentioned Farrah Fawcett’s death. Now the hard part is to prove that this took place at 4:30pm. During the video Oxman keeps saying that he has to find the CNN van. The show on CNN that he was interviewed on (Lou Dobbs tonight) started at 4pm and he did not come on immediately. Thus, this gives him time to be interviewed on the street at approximately 4:30pm, and then show up at the CNN van afterwards. Even in the CNN interview he says he can’t confirm Michael Jackson’s death, but, as I said before, I would think he would know something since (according to him) he was very close to the family during this time, and they would have known something by now.

2:10 Oxman says that there was a drug problem and that the family was worried about it also. Big contradiction to what Kenny Ortega said.


Monday, April 12, 2010

How to spot a lie—Kenny Ortega Part 4

Here is a more recent interview with Kenny Ortega: It is from February 2010 by

This is what I see:

0:05 Throughout this part he keeps shaking his head “no”. He says it was made for the fans, and then he shakes his head “no”. He says it was made for their depth to understand and appreciate what Michael was doing was doing with the show, and then he shakes his head “yes”. The real interesting part is when he says Michael set out to do a show, and then shakes his head “no”, but then stops when he says it was for the fans. I’ve always said that I believe This Is It was never meant to be a concert show, that it was meant to be a movie, and it seems like Kenny Ortega agrees.

0:35-0:50 I’m not sure what to make of this part. He shakes his head “yes”, then “no”, and then he shrugs. Maybe he believes that the film won’t show what all the goals were. Later, though, he says he hopes fans see what went into the development while shaking his head “yes”, so I’m not sure what to make of the head shake “no” and the shrug.

1:25 He says, “This wasn’t a project I set out to do”, while he shakes his head “yes”. He then continues shaking his head while he says, “Certainly, This Is It was.” What other projects are we talking about? Concert vs. movie? Whatever project he said he did not set out to do, he really did according to his head shake.


Sunday, April 11, 2010

De Nieuwe Uri Geller—Hoax or not?

I, like a lot of other people, wondered if possibly the guest judge would be Michael Jackson. It just seemed to fit. I thought it answered his secretiveness on the previous show and his lack of response when asked if it was Michael Jackson over the internet. I didn’t get my hopes up too much, but I thought that there was a strong possibility.

Now, I know that there are many people out there that are mad at Uri Geller, because they believe that this was all a hoax to raise the number of viewers. His secretiveness about this mystery person was just to raise peoples’ hopes so they would watch the show.

Now, I’m not sure what to make of this. If he was truly supposed to have a mystery guest, the reason given behind this man (he slips up and says “he” and “him” instead of “this person” on April 9) not coming is strange to me. The reason given? This person is too controversial and the questions that surround him would not be appropriate for kids watching the show. Uri Geller’s exact words are, “It would not have been right to show this to kids watching De Nieuwe Uri Geller.” This? He had said before that he wanted to hypnotize the guest. Is that the “this” he was talking about? Come on, kids watching the show have probably seen worse than a hypnotization of a controversial person. I mean, before The Joker’s most recent act he almost always did something with blood and gore. Isn’t that worse?

Viewers are given a warning:
De meeste optredens in deze show zijn levensgevaarlijk alleen
goed getrainde, professionele mentalisten kunnen deze uitvoeren
Doe dit
thuis nooit na!

Most performances in this show are
dangerous, and only highly trained professional mentalists can perform them.
Do not try this at home!
If this doesn’t keep people from letting their kids watch the show, then I don’t see how a hypnotization would upset them.

I just wonder if he will ever have this mystery guest on the show, because I would love to know who it was supposed to be.


Saturday, April 10, 2010

How to spot a lie—Ben Evenstad, Brian Oxman, and the last photograph

So as most people know, Brian Oxman came out a few months ago and said that the last photograph that National Photo Group took of Michael Jackson was a fake. He said that instead of it being Michael lying inside the ambulance, it was Michael laying on a stage, and that Ben Evenstad and Chris Weiss somehow photoshopped it.

Let’s look at these interviews again. First, Ben Evenstad’s interview:

0:35 He talks about his friendship with Michael Jackson and shows pictures of them together.

1:00-1:30 Check out Ben Evenstad’s eyes. He keeps looking up and to the right. The only time he looks to the left is when he is remembering Chris’s name. If he was trying to remember this entire event he would be looking up to the left.

2:45 He is asked if there was an issue with selling the photo. Check out his eyes again. Every time he pauses to think of what else to say, he glances up and to the right.

4:05 “Chris and the other people that were there that day and the other d…and uh, are a part of that agreement are going to make a lot of money.” After he slips, he quickly looks off to the right and keeps repeating “and uh” until he has come up with something to say.

If you watch him throughout the entire interview, you will notice that he hardly ever looks at the interviewer. He either looks to the right or he looks down at the ground and never keeps eye contact for more than a few seconds. To me, he seems extremely nervous.

Second, Brian Oxman’s interview:

0:30-1:05 “The photograph that it is taken from is Michael laying on a stage with his head leaning back.” Did you catch the head shake “no” at the end of that?

0:45 “It could possibly be a real picture, but I’d give it a 99.9% chance that it was photoshopped.” He shakes his head “no” throughout this part as well. 99.9% chance that it was a fake? Where have we heard that before? Uri Geller said that there was a 99.9% chance that his mystery guest would show up and he didn’t. Interesting, but you decide if it is connected.

0:55 He says, “It is a fake”, while shaking his head “yes”.

The biggest question to me is that if Brian Oxman knew that the photo was not real why did he wait eight months before saying that it was a fake? Better late than never, I guess. Still, I do believe that the picture is a fake, but I don’t believe that it is a photoshopped version of Michael lying on a stage. I mean come on. If you can make the picture that was shown at 0:40 in the Brian Oxman interview look like the picture in the ambulance, good for you I’d love to see it, but the angles are completely off, and I don’t see how it will work. Instead, I believe that over the course of those “other days” the picture was staged, because without that picture many more people would be questioning his death.


Friday, April 9, 2010

How to spot a lie—Kenny Ortega Part 3

This interview is with Oprah Winfrey. Here is part 1:

2:00 Oprah asks, “Have you been able to process that he is gone?” Ortega, smiling, responds, “Little bits, he’s still so much alive for me. Thank God.” That’s weird. Michael Jackson has been dead for about 4 months. I would think that it would have hit Kenny Ortega by now, and that he would not be smiling.

2:10-2:20 Oprah eyes dart up and to the left while she recalls watching the movie.

2:20 Ortega says, “He is so present in the film that you can forget that he is still not with us.” Check out his face after he says that. Once he registers what he said, he licks his lips, blinks rapidly, and then smiles. The first two are signs of anxiety.

2:30-3:10 Oprah says that she heard that Michael would call him in the middle of the night and shout out ideas. Watch Ortega when she says, “fireflies”. He says “yes”, but shakes his head “no”. He then goes on to explain what “fireflies” means, hardly looking at Oprah, until he gets to the part about looking up the word “bioluminescent”. Once he finishes he shrugs his shoulders. Maybe that is not what “fireflies” truly means. If you noticed, he kind of changed the subject. Oprah asked what it meant, referring to what it meant to Michael and why he wanted them, but Kenny Ortega turns it into how fireflies represent Michael Jackson.

4:05 He says they started rehearsing in late April. Check out his eyes while he is thinking of that, they are up and to the right. He is lying!

4:25 Oprah says “Weren’t you close to going to London.”Ortega responds, “We were about eight days away.” Check out his posture, he starts to get real fidgety.

Oprah interview part 2:

1:50-2:50 He says Michael Jackson was healthy, no drug abuse. There are no signs that he is lying.

5:30 Oprah asks if there were any concerns. Ortega shakes head “no”, but says “yes”.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

How to spot a lie—Kenny Ortega Part 2

The next interview is Kenny Ortega on BBC news:
This interview is much shorter, but this is what I see:

1:47 He is asked if it is strange watching the This Is It and knowing Michael has passed. He shakes his head “no” and says, “He thought it was going to be.” He keeps on by saying that it was “helpful being in there with Michael”. Take that how you want to, be it spiritually of physically, but he could have worded it better.

3:20 He says there was nothing wrong with Michael’s health that Michael called and said, “Kenny, this is it, we’re going to do it. This is the one.” Ortega continues to say “and you saw how quickly….”, before the interviewer cuts him off. How quickly what?

4:30 “You see him working with everybody, invested in every aspect. You see him choreographing, and directing. You see him as a filmmaker, as a musician, as an entertainer.” Filmmaker? He is rehearsing for concerts not filming a movie.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How to spot a lie—Kenny Ortega Part 1

The first interview I want to talk about is Kenny Ortega’s interview with CNN from October before the release of This Is It. Here is the link:
Breaking it down, this is what I see:

0:30-1:00 Kenny Ortega is asked what his reaction is to Michael’s death. He answers telling how it was good that everyone was together when they got the news. He keeps glancing off to the right especially when talking about the people that were collapsing and wandering the halls. He constantly stutters and the only time that he really looks at the interviewers is when he says, “Thank God we were together” and goes on talking about the rehearsals.

1:00 He is quick to say that Michael was fine. There is no stuttering and he is looking directly at the interviewers.

1:50-2:50 He is asked about Michael not sleeping. When he responds about the ideas that Michael said were coming to him, he keeps glancing up to the left as if he is remembering the event. There is very little stuttering and he is looking at the interviewers.

3:30-4:00 He says Michael was healthy and in the shape he wanted to be in. He stutters very little.

4:15-7:10 He talks about the film and Michael as a person. As when he mentions Michael’s health, there is no stuttering and he looks directly at the interviewers.

7:10-end I think this is the most interesting part. When he says that Michael’s life did not have to end this way he glances quickly to the right and stats stuttering and looking around for something to say. He reacts to this question in almost the same way as he did to the earlier questions at 0:30 about Michael’s death. He says that he believes Michael’s death was unnecessary and he is going to leave it at that for right now. To me, that is the weirdest statement ever.

Kenny Ortega knows something he isn’t telling. Every time the interviewers brought up Michael’s death, he became nervous as stuttered so much it was hard to understand him. When they talk about Michael being in great shape and the film, This Is It, he has no problem answering the questions and at times he seems happy and excited.


Lies and Liars

To gauge a lie, people do not necessarily listen to what you say, but how you say it. Though a person may be able to lie through their teeth, body language will normally give him away.

The easiest way to spot a lie is to watch a person’s eyes. While a person talks and answers questions, his eyes will move involuntary. When remembering an event in the past a person’s eyes will dart up and to the left. This is because he is using the left side of his brain (the side that retains memories), and his eyes involuntary move to easily access the memory and correctly answer the question. If, on the other hand, a person’s eyes dart up to the right, then he is lying. This is because he is using the right side of his brain (the creative side), and making up a story.

Besides the eyes, watching a person’s face and his expressions as he says something will often show what he truly means. These signs include:

  • Looking away to prepare answers or excessive eye blinking
  • Avoiding eye contact, or excessive eye contact. Most people hold eye contact with the person they are talking to, but they don’t stare him down.
  • Looking uncomfortable—touching feet, legs, arms, or the face.
  • Shrugging shoulders after a statement show he doesn’t truly believe in what he is saying
  • Shaking head “no” while saying “yes”, or vice versa
  • Hesitating before speaking or repeating a question. Sometimes even answering too quickly shows a person is lying.

Keep this in mind as you watch some of the interviews back. You will be interested by what you find. Coming soon: How to spot a lie—Kenny Ortega